Unity Zone: A Novel by Josue Francois

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Unity Zone: A Novel by Josue Francois

Unity Zone: A Novel by Josue Francois

Everyone loves a good superhero story. They will continue to entertain and inspire countless people especially at this day of age.  While everyone knows about famous world-saving heroes, the Thunder-Warriors shines in this fast-paced adventure book by Josua Francois’, Unity Zone.

 The Thunder Warriors, a mysterious team who is almost legend to most who see them.  Thunder Warriors is rarely referred to as a superhero, but they have always fought on the side of the good guys and fought to turn their diabolical nemesis Omnizar into dust. They existed over 800 years ago and unrelenting in fighting against evil.

In search of the elusive yet deadliest source of power, the sacred phoenix crystals, which Omnizar desires the most, the Thunder Warriors made sure he can get his hands on them?

The Phoenix Crystals are used to summon the fire phoenix lightning dragon, a powerful creature that can destroy Ominzar and vanquish him back to hell, so he wanted to make sure that the thunder warriors never exist.

Meet Surothion, the leader of the thunder warriors, in his desire to vanquish Omnizar for good, he builds the strongest team, to help him fight evil. He then recruited skilled individuals which he ran into a group college, students named Billy, Kenneth, Larutio, Zomar, Randy, Letitia, Jennifer, and Cody. Convincing them to join the team comes with its challenges. These eight now stand together as the ultimate line of defense against those who wish to destroy humanity.

The recruits of Surothion were brought together to fight the evil vampires and demons that are being sent by Omninzar and terrorize the people of Star Field, Minnesota. Moreover, Surothion has already formed something of an alliance that should prove invaluable in helping him seek out Omnizars evil desires.

Josua Francois’ novel features modern, diverse and, complex characters and fast-paced adventure. Highly recommended for anyone of any age. Francois has crafted a world that will appeal to young and old readers alike. The storyline is new and shakes up the typical superhero progression.

Unity Zone showcases the heart and spirit of the wide-ranging characters with an endless array of characters to choose from—heroes, villains, vampires, dragons and demons!

Available in all major online retail store!

Kindle: https://amzn.to/3rkYhGU

Paperback: https://amzn.to/2NSNwNR

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